About Us
From My Heart to Yours:
A reflection in the window catches my eye as the car speeds through the streets: it is a solid and foreboding tree.
Weathered by experience and age, but far from withered. Going through its good – perhaps its best years. Its leaves still green, its bulk sturdy, its root, visibly deep in the ground. Two young people stand under its shade, perhaps breathing in the freshness of its air for a minute.
It’s funny how many details the eye can see, or for that matter how the mind works, because I see a lot of myself in that tree. Not just on what it is outwardly to the world, rather what it is, organic…natural. What it is deep inside. A contributor to the world. A fighter still willing to grow (it stands against the harsh, polluted environment, yet its branches and its roots still grow).
I am Aijaz Aslam. You may have seen me on television shows, advertisements, the print, the web, on the ramp. You may have even worn clothes that once came from my clothing label, Aijazz.
God Almighty has been gracious and I am humbled by those who support and follow my work. Life has been wonderful, and it is time that I give back.
As an actor, it has always been my desire to overcome challenges. As a producer, I’ve always preferred telling stories that make a difference. As a businessman, it has always been my priority to extensively research and then put my best foot forward.
My new venture, Aijaz Aslam (how else would you know it’s from me?) of natural health and skincare range, is just that – a product line that’s an extension of who I am: Organic without harmful and unnatural additives. Pure of essence and heart. I envision it as a way of life.
Aijaz Aslam – the brand – started off from the all-natural skincare range, but it is not limited to just that. We also made our mark in premium haircare, luxury fragrances and health-boosting category by launching an extensive range of products.
In the years ahead, as I still continue to grow and evolve – like that tree in the street – I would like to have you by my side. Supporting me in my ventures, appreciating me in my career as an entertainer, if need be, criticizing me if I ever veer off the path.
Rest assured that your trust in me, and my trust in you, is a bond for life and beyond.
Love always,
Aijaz Aslam